Sunday, October 4, 2009

Nuit Blanche Notes

Best one yet.

Exhibits and events were grouped in a smaller area, cutting down on the amount of aimless wandering around looking for the next attraction. There was a free shuttle bus between Nathan Phillips Square and the Distillery District. We were better prepared, too, with a good idea of what to see. No pre-drinking this year - consequently no time wasted in ridiculously long washroom queues.

En route to the Distillery District, we passed through the Eaton Centre, where retailers and fast food outlets were getting into the spirit. Nice idea to show a film on the screen outside Canadian Tire, but not too many vantage points that weren't in the path of some kind of traffic. A light and sound installation, Speed Shift Toronto, made interesting use of an existing billboard. Couldn't help thinking the security guards patrolling nearby could've been more festive - some glowsticks, maybe?

Saw the early stages of Battle Royal, the art wrestling event at the bus terminal. A half dozen blindfolded participants bounced off each other, the walls and the floor.

The "independent events" in the Distillery District were well-attended, but not as insanely crowded as in the lower half of Zone A. Became part of an epic fail, apparently, by coming upon an audience participation exercise at the wrong moment shortly after arriving. Fantastic dance/acrobatic performance by HerciniArts incorporating the existing sculptures in the courtyard. Some great clothes in the Art of Fashion exhibit, particularly Heidi Ackerman's Iconic Power collection. Most of the art galleries were open all night. Outstanding photography in projet 8 secondes at the Thompson Landry Gallery.(

Like Battle Royal, BeneCorpo's Totemic Systems environment allowed the public to choose between active participation and passive watching. You could become part of the exhibit by choosing a costume and playing a role. In both cases there were far more watchers than doers - unadventurous or just not fond of lineups?

My overall favourite exhibit was Photo Secrets. The secrets ranged from poignant ("I'm not good enough for you. I'm afraid you'll find this out") to cheeky ("I named my vibrator after you"), and they were projected on a random sequence of photos. More on this at

Took the free shuttle bus took us back to City Hall, just in time to see an impromptu dance on top of the Archer. Hope this didn't have anything to do with the sirens we heard shortly afterward.

Ended the experience as we began - wandering through the Eaton Centre, still teeming with people, toward dinner and drinks. Might as well take advantage of the extended bar hours, right?

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